Documentation of diverse needs of students Saint-Pierre

Documentation of diverse needs of students

Meeting the Diverse Needs of all Students Teaching and Information Brief Addressing Trends and Developments in Secondary Education and Transition. February 2004 • Vol. 3, Issue 1. Addressing the Needs of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students With Disabilities in Postsecondary Education. By David Leake and Margarita Cholymay. Introduction . Persons with disabilities usually must overcome a variety of challenges not faced by their peers

Diversity of learners

The Lives of Teachers in Diverse Classrooms. Student Diversity. As your students enter the classroom, they bring with them a unique background, set of skills, and educational needs. No two students learn the same because of these traits., and need. The curriculum, teaching strategies and evidence of learning can be adapted to provide developmentally appropriate opportunities within a stimulating learning environment. Through differentiation a planned, documented and challenging curriculum can be provided that caters for diverse students that maximises student learning..

EAL/D students come from diverse backgrounds and may include: • overseas- and Australian-born children whose first language is a language other than English • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students whose first language is an Indigenous language, including traditional languages, creoles and related varieties, or Aboriginal English. 30/10/2019 · Our Inclusive Education website has a collection of practical ‘how to’ guides aimed at supporting teachers and school leaders to meet the diverse needs of all learners. Guides — Inclusive Education website (external link) You can also watch more than 20 videos of teachers and students talking about and demonstrating inclusive practices.

Student Diversity. As your students enter the classroom, they bring with them a unique background, set of skills, and educational needs. No two students learn the same because of these traits. Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students: Differentiating Mathematics and Science Instruction is one of a three-issue focus on the diverse needs of students in inclusive classrooms. Two other publications in the series address strategies for teaching students with learning disabilities and students …

need instruction that overtly scaffolds their interaction with text and builds their reading comprehension skills. This process creates students’ awareness of “self-talk” and “self-regulation” that occurs during the reading process to monitor their comprehension. The ultimate goal is for students to develop expertise and responsibility for their own cognition. during the process of the determination of the need for a PLP, and in the process of developing programs and services for the student. Parents/guardians, as their child’s first educator, have an important role to play in the development and implementation of a PLP for students with diverse learning needs. They are

to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources d. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards, and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching 3. Model digital age work and learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes Recognizing the Diverse Needs of Today's Students The Differentiated University The Differentiated University RECOGNIZING THE DIVERSE NEEDS OF TODAY'S STUDENTS PART I of a two-part series www.par thenon. com by Haven Ladd, Seth Reynolds, Jeffrey J. Selingo This document was created before Parthenon joined Ernst & Young LLP

provide another perspective on meeting the diverse needs of your students. Core Knowledge Teachers need to focus on the core knowledge of each subject area. The core knowledge can be the concepts, skills, and principles that are required of each student, and are also known as the essential standards. Formative Assessment needs, to help students learn to learning, and to ensure quality of education. It is also a good way to help teachers meet diverse needs in a classroom. The aim of this resource guideline is to help teachers receive a general understanding about how to use learning technology in order to meet diverse needs of students.

Creating a plan for students with diverse needs can be challenging, but Cossandra George has some tools and tips for success. Students with diverse learning needs - like all students - benefit from our efforts at studying their learning characteristics and unique learning styles through careful observation and assessment. On the basis of data collected, design an individualized plan that specifies goals, objectives, methods, materials, and ways to measure outcomes

Abstract: Students enter classrooms with different abilities, learning styles, and personalities. Educators are mandated to see that all students meet the standards of their district and state. Through the use of differentiated instructional strategies, teachers can meet the varying needs of Meeting the Diverse Needs of all Students: Teaching and Learning Strategies that I Plan to Use as a New Teacher 1247 Words 5 Pages I believe that as a teacher there will be two initial steps that I will need take in order for me to successfully offer students in my classroom an education that is accessible to all.

30/10/2019 · Our Inclusive Education website has a collection of practical ‘how to’ guides aimed at supporting teachers and school leaders to meet the diverse needs of all learners. Guides — Inclusive Education website (external link) You can also watch more than 20 videos of teachers and students talking about and demonstrating inclusive practices. Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners. 2 OEC Inclusion Statement The Office of Early Childhood (OEC) expects that all children and families have a sense of full belonging and are valued, respected and supported. OEC policies, funding and services address the needs of children and families to ensure the right conditions for every child to achieve their full potential. This occurs through full

Meeting the needs of diverse learners; and Greater equity in providing students a fair chance to succeed. America’s schools are responsible for meeting the educational needs of an increasingly diverse student population, and ESEA programs must provide a wide range of resources and support Abstract: Students enter classrooms with different abilities, learning styles, and personalities. Educators are mandated to see that all students meet the standards of their district and state. Through the use of differentiated instructional strategies, teachers can meet the varying needs of

Meeting the needs of diverse learners; and Greater equity in providing students a fair chance to succeed. America’s schools are responsible for meeting the educational needs of an increasingly diverse student population, and ESEA programs must provide a wide range of resources and support In order to address diversity principles and approaches, teachers also need to know how to design, deliver and evaluate learning opportunities to help meet the needs of a diverse student body. One of the ways in which teachers can determine the learning needs of diverse student groups is by thinking about how different students learn. Here, we

Some students will come to your class with more knowledge and experience than others. Not to mention that students all learn at different paces and in different ways. It may seem like a never-ending task, but there is a solution! Using technology to differentiate instruction can help you save time while better meeting the needs of all of your Assessment for the Diverse Classroom . What Is “Assessment”? Many people think that assessment is limited to the paper and pencil tests given in class to see if students have learned the content. Assessment is far more than pencil and paper tests. You are using a form of assessment

Information Brief NCSET

Documentation of diverse needs of students

Understanding Diverse Learning Needs Video & Lesson. Addressing the Needs of Diverse Distributed Students in urses . Rena Shimoni, Gail Barrington, Russ Wilde, and . Scott Henwood . Bow Valley College, Canada . Abstract Two interrelated studies were undertaken to assist Alberta post-secondary institutions with meeting challenges associated with providing services to diverse distributed, Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students: Differentiating Mathematics and Science Instruction is one of a three-issue focus on the diverse needs of students in inclusive classrooms. Two other publications in the series address strategies for teaching students with learning disabilities and students ….

Documentation of diverse needs of students

Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners Connecticut. What do you need to know about a student's background and culture when identifying his or her strengths, challenges, and needs? What factors may make a difference for the child? Learn more from these resources and videos, as well as case studies that highlight experiences of students with diverse backgrounds and levels of schooling., With these web tools, apps, word processors, document cameras, software — you name it — you can find a way to use it to your students’ advantage by creating more opportunities for assistance and independence. We show our commitment to serving our ever-diverse classrooms through our instructional planning. The need for flexible technology.

Information Brief NCSET

Documentation of diverse needs of students

5.2. Supporting Learners with Diverse Needs — Building and. With these web tools, apps, word processors, document cameras, software — you name it — you can find a way to use it to your students’ advantage by creating more opportunities for assistance and independence. We show our commitment to serving our ever-diverse classrooms through our instructional planning. The need for flexible technology need instruction that overtly scaffolds their interaction with text and builds their reading comprehension skills. This process creates students’ awareness of “self-talk” and “self-regulation” that occurs during the reading process to monitor their comprehension. The ultimate goal is for students to develop expertise and responsibility for their own cognition..

Documentation of diverse needs of students

  • Guidelines and Standards
  • Addressing the Needs of Diverse Distributed Students

  • provide specific advice with regard to meeting the learning needs of students with disability, gifted and talented students, and students for whom English is an additional language or dialect; provide examples illustrating how students with diverse needs can access and participate in the Australian Curriculum. An Australian Curriculum for all Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners. 2 OEC Inclusion Statement The Office of Early Childhood (OEC) expects that all children and families have a sense of full belonging and are valued, respected and supported. OEC policies, funding and services address the needs of children and families to ensure the right conditions for every child to achieve their full potential. This occurs through full

    What do you need to know about a student's background and culture when identifying his or her strengths, challenges, and needs? What factors may make a difference for the child? Learn more from these resources and videos, as well as case studies that highlight experiences of students with diverse backgrounds and levels of schooling. Addressing the Needs of Diverse Distributed Students in urses . Rena Shimoni, Gail Barrington, Russ Wilde, and . Scott Henwood . Bow Valley College, Canada . Abstract Two interrelated studies were undertaken to assist Alberta post-secondary institutions with meeting challenges associated with providing services to diverse distributed

    5.2. Supporting Learners with Diverse Needs¶. Almost one fifth of the world’s population has some kind of disability. Online courses can reduce many barriers to education for these learners by providing access to courses from any location, at any time, and through the use of assistive technologies. Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students: Differentiating Mathematics and Science Instruction is one of a three-issue focus on the diverse needs of students in inclusive classrooms. Two other publications in the series address strategies for teaching students with learning disabilities and students …

    transition for students with diverse needs 3 OVERVIEW OF TRANSITION FOR DIVERSE LEARNERS Figure 2: Adapted from Transition and Engagement, Research Document 6 (CEOM 2010). Addressing the Needs of Diverse Distributed Students in urses . Rena Shimoni, Gail Barrington, Russ Wilde, and . Scott Henwood . Bow Valley College, Canada . Abstract Two interrelated studies were undertaken to assist Alberta post-secondary institutions with meeting challenges associated with providing services to diverse distributed

    training to cater for the diverse needs of adults and out-of-school youth. The state has to respond to the diverse needs that were created by the apartheid regime by providing education and training that will deal with issues of inequality, poverty and unemployment, among other things. 18. CET Colleges need to open doors and opportunities for In the education context a diverse workforce enables us to better relate and communicate with our students and the community and to better respond to their changing service needs and expectations. Innovation ‐ Diversity fosters creativity and innovation. Employees from diverse

    What do you need to know about a student's background and culture when identifying his or her strengths, challenges, and needs? What factors may make a difference for the child? Learn more from these resources and videos, as well as case studies that highlight experiences of students with diverse backgrounds and levels of schooling. Diverse Student Needs Every student is unique. One of the greatest strengths of education in B.C. is the widespread commitment to making sure all students’ individual needs are met so that they can pursue their interests and reach their fullest potential.

    Clarifying exactly what students must know, understand, and do begins when teachers can deconstruct standards. By identifying what students are expected to know and how they are expected to demonstrate what they know, teachers can effectively construct the instructional activities that students need to engage in to master a standard. needs of non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students of diverse cultural backgrounds in respect of the literature and classics components of the curriculum will need to be considered. IV. Applied Learning Further promoteApplied Learning (ApL) as a valued senior secondary elective subject

    transition for students with diverse needs 3 OVERVIEW OF TRANSITION FOR DIVERSE LEARNERS Figure 2: Adapted from Transition and Engagement, Research Document 6 (CEOM 2010). What do you need to know about a student's background and culture when identifying his or her strengths, challenges, and needs? What factors may make a difference for the child? Learn more from these resources and videos, as well as case studies that highlight experiences of students with diverse backgrounds and levels of schooling.

    need instruction that overtly scaffolds their interaction with text and builds their reading comprehension skills. This process creates students’ awareness of “self-talk” and “self-regulation” that occurs during the reading process to monitor their comprehension. The ultimate goal is for students to develop expertise and responsibility for their own cognition. Students with Diverse needs 1. Working withStudents with Special Needs By: Allison Baker 2. Working with Students When working with Students with Diverse needs it is important to treat each student as a unique individual. Follow EVERY student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).

    during the process of the determination of the need for a PLP, and in the process of developing programs and services for the student. Parents/guardians, as their child’s first educator, have an important role to play in the development and implementation of a PLP for students with diverse learning needs. They are Clarifying exactly what students must know, understand, and do begins when teachers can deconstruct standards. By identifying what students are expected to know and how they are expected to demonstrate what they know, teachers can effectively construct the instructional activities that students need to engage in to master a standard.

    Documentation of diverse needs of students

    training to cater for the diverse needs of adults and out-of-school youth. The state has to respond to the diverse needs that were created by the apartheid regime by providing education and training that will deal with issues of inequality, poverty and unemployment, among other things. 18. CET Colleges need to open doors and opportunities for training to cater for the diverse needs of adults and out-of-school youth. The state has to respond to the diverse needs that were created by the apartheid regime by providing education and training that will deal with issues of inequality, poverty and unemployment, among other things. 18. CET Colleges need to open doors and opportunities for

    The NEW Game of Life by Hasbro; Fresh Twist to a Family Game night Classic. Feb 18, 2014 by Amber · This post may contain affiliate links · About 6 minutes to read this article. Game of life 0400 instructions Wendover The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970.. The game is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input.One interacts with the Game of Life by creating an initial configuration and observing how it evolves.

    Student diversity The Australian Curriculum

    Documentation of diverse needs of students

    INCLUSIVE EDUCATION FOR ALL STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES. Student diversity. ACARA is committed to the development of a high-quality curriculum for all Australian students, which promotes excellence and equity in education. All students are entitled to rigorous, relevant and engaging learning programs drawn from a challenging curriculum that addresses their individual learning needs. The Australian, What do you need to know about a student's background and culture when identifying his or her strengths, challenges, and needs? What factors may make a difference for the child? Learn more from these resources and videos, as well as case studies that highlight experiences of students with diverse backgrounds and levels of schooling..

    The Inclusive Classroom Education Northwest

    Transition for Students with Diverse Needs. Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners. 2 OEC Inclusion Statement The Office of Early Childhood (OEC) expects that all children and families have a sense of full belonging and are valued, respected and supported. OEC policies, funding and services address the needs of children and families to ensure the right conditions for every child to achieve their full potential. This occurs through full, provide another perspective on meeting the diverse needs of your students. Core Knowledge Teachers need to focus on the core knowledge of each subject area. The core knowledge can be the concepts, skills, and principles that are required of each student, and are also known as the essential standards. Formative Assessment.

    to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources d. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards, and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching 3. Model digital age work and learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes during the process of the determination of the need for a PLP, and in the process of developing programs and services for the student. Parents/guardians, as their child’s first educator, have an important role to play in the development and implementation of a PLP for students with diverse learning needs. They are

    provide another perspective on meeting the diverse needs of your students. Core Knowledge Teachers need to focus on the core knowledge of each subject area. The core knowledge can be the concepts, skills, and principles that are required of each student, and are also known as the essential standards. Formative Assessment 30/10/2019 · Our Inclusive Education website has a collection of practical ‘how to’ guides aimed at supporting teachers and school leaders to meet the diverse needs of all learners. Guides — Inclusive Education website (external link) You can also watch more than 20 videos of teachers and students talking about and demonstrating inclusive practices.

    to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources d. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards, and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching 3. Model digital age work and learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes provide another perspective on meeting the diverse needs of your students. Core Knowledge Teachers need to focus on the core knowledge of each subject area. The core knowledge can be the concepts, skills, and principles that are required of each student, and are also known as the essential standards. Formative Assessment

    Addressing the Needs of Diverse Distributed Students in urses . Rena Shimoni, Gail Barrington, Russ Wilde, and . Scott Henwood . Bow Valley College, Canada . Abstract Two interrelated studies were undertaken to assist Alberta post-secondary institutions with meeting challenges associated with providing services to diverse distributed provide another perspective on meeting the diverse needs of your students. Core Knowledge Teachers need to focus on the core knowledge of each subject area. The core knowledge can be the concepts, skills, and principles that are required of each student, and are also known as the essential standards. Formative Assessment

    In the education context a diverse workforce enables us to better relate and communicate with our students and the community and to better respond to their changing service needs and expectations. Innovation ‐ Diversity fosters creativity and innovation. Employees from diverse In order to address diversity principles and approaches, teachers also need to know how to design, deliver and evaluate learning opportunities to help meet the needs of a diverse student body. One of the ways in which teachers can determine the learning needs of diverse student groups is by thinking about how different students learn. Here, we

    Students with Diverse needs 1. Working withStudents with Special Needs By: Allison Baker 2. Working with Students When working with Students with Diverse needs it is important to treat each student as a unique individual. Follow EVERY student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). Student Diversity. As your students enter the classroom, they bring with them a unique background, set of skills, and educational needs. No two students learn the same because of these traits.

    Meeting the needs of diverse learners; and Greater equity in providing students a fair chance to succeed. America’s schools are responsible for meeting the educational needs of an increasingly diverse student population, and ESEA programs must provide a wide range of resources and support Diverse Student Needs Every student is unique. One of the greatest strengths of education in B.C. is the widespread commitment to making sure all students’ individual needs are met so that they can pursue their interests and reach their fullest potential.

    While there are obvious gender and cultural differences, what lurks beneath the surface is just as, if not more, important when talking about diverse learners, or the variety of students in a Student diversity. ACARA is committed to the development of a high-quality curriculum for all Australian students, which promotes excellence and equity in education. All students are entitled to rigorous, relevant and engaging learning programs drawn from a challenging curriculum that addresses their individual learning needs. The Australian

    Strategies to Support Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs of Students Roger P. Weissberg, PhD University of Illinois at Chicago Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning during the process of the determination of the need for a PLP, and in the process of developing programs and services for the student. Parents/guardians, as their child’s first educator, have an important role to play in the development and implementation of a PLP for students with diverse learning needs. They are

    general student needs to address the specifi c, identifi ed needs of your students. Throughout the instructional cycle, continue to systematically study learner traits to understand what each student brings to tasks and what he or she needs to succeed. For strategies and tools you can use to get to know your students, provide another perspective on meeting the diverse needs of your students. Core Knowledge Teachers need to focus on the core knowledge of each subject area. The core knowledge can be the concepts, skills, and principles that are required of each student, and are also known as the essential standards. Formative Assessment

    Recognizing the Diverse Needs of Today's Students. Addressing the Needs of Diverse Distributed Students in urses . Rena Shimoni, Gail Barrington, Russ Wilde, and . Scott Henwood . Bow Valley College, Canada . Abstract Two interrelated studies were undertaken to assist Alberta post-secondary institutions with meeting challenges associated with providing services to diverse distributed, Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners in New Zealand Article (PDF Available) in Preventing School Failure 57(3):157-161 · June 2013 with 375 Reads How we measure 'reads'.

    Meeting the Diverse Needs of all Students Teaching and

    Documentation of diverse needs of students

    Standards for Special Education. training to cater for the diverse needs of adults and out-of-school youth. The state has to respond to the diverse needs that were created by the apartheid regime by providing education and training that will deal with issues of inequality, poverty and unemployment, among other things. 18. CET Colleges need to open doors and opportunities for, Strategies to Support Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs of Students Roger P. Weissberg, PhD University of Illinois at Chicago Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning.

    Understanding Diverse Learning Needs Video & Lesson

    Documentation of diverse needs of students

    Guidelines and Standards. THE LIVES OF TEACHERS IN DIVERSE CLASSROOMS Unclassified Abstract Recent migration patterns have brought major change to the experience of schooling for students, parents and teachers. This paper focuses on teachers, and explores their roles, functions and challenges in classrooms with diverse student populations. It examines initial provide specific advice with regard to meeting the learning needs of students with disability, gifted and talented students, and students for whom English is an additional language or dialect; provide examples illustrating how students with diverse needs can access and participate in the Australian Curriculum. An Australian Curriculum for all.

    Documentation of diverse needs of students

    30/10/2019 · Our Inclusive Education website has a collection of practical ‘how to’ guides aimed at supporting teachers and school leaders to meet the diverse needs of all learners. Guides — Inclusive Education website (external link) You can also watch more than 20 videos of teachers and students talking about and demonstrating inclusive practices. general student needs to address the specifi c, identifi ed needs of your students. Throughout the instructional cycle, continue to systematically study learner traits to understand what each student brings to tasks and what he or she needs to succeed. For strategies and tools you can use to get to know your students,

    Addressing the Needs of Diverse Distributed Students in urses . Rena Shimoni, Gail Barrington, Russ Wilde, and . Scott Henwood . Bow Valley College, Canada . Abstract Two interrelated studies were undertaken to assist Alberta post-secondary institutions with meeting challenges associated with providing services to diverse distributed Student Diversity. As your students enter the classroom, they bring with them a unique background, set of skills, and educational needs. No two students learn the same because of these traits.

    Standards for Special Education, Amended June 2004 3 Definitions In these standards, “Adapted programming” means programming that retains the learning outcomes of the Program of Studies and where adjustments to the instructional process are provided to address the special education needs of the student. general student needs to address the specifi c, identifi ed needs of your students. Throughout the instructional cycle, continue to systematically study learner traits to understand what each student brings to tasks and what he or she needs to succeed. For strategies and tools you can use to get to know your students,

    Creating a plan for students with diverse needs can be challenging, but Cossandra George has some tools and tips for success. training to cater for the diverse needs of adults and out-of-school youth. The state has to respond to the diverse needs that were created by the apartheid regime by providing education and training that will deal with issues of inequality, poverty and unemployment, among other things. 18. CET Colleges need to open doors and opportunities for

    provide specific advice with regard to meeting the learning needs of students with disability, gifted and talented students, and students for whom English is an additional language or dialect; provide examples illustrating how students with diverse needs can access and participate in the Australian Curriculum. An Australian Curriculum for all THE LIVES OF TEACHERS IN DIVERSE CLASSROOMS Unclassified Abstract Recent migration patterns have brought major change to the experience of schooling for students, parents and teachers. This paper focuses on teachers, and explores their roles, functions and challenges in classrooms with diverse student populations. It examines initial

    Addressing the Needs of Diverse Distributed Students in urses . Rena Shimoni, Gail Barrington, Russ Wilde, and . Scott Henwood . Bow Valley College, Canada . Abstract Two interrelated studies were undertaken to assist Alberta post-secondary institutions with meeting challenges associated with providing services to diverse distributed Student Diversity. As your students enter the classroom, they bring with them a unique background, set of skills, and educational needs. No two students learn the same because of these traits.

    With these web tools, apps, word processors, document cameras, software — you name it — you can find a way to use it to your students’ advantage by creating more opportunities for assistance and independence. We show our commitment to serving our ever-diverse classrooms through our instructional planning. The need for flexible technology Clarifying exactly what students must know, understand, and do begins when teachers can deconstruct standards. By identifying what students are expected to know and how they are expected to demonstrate what they know, teachers can effectively construct the instructional activities that students need to engage in to master a standard.

    Strategies to Support Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs of Students Roger P. Weissberg, PhD University of Illinois at Chicago Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners. 2 OEC Inclusion Statement The Office of Early Childhood (OEC) expects that all children and families have a sense of full belonging and are valued, respected and supported. OEC policies, funding and services address the needs of children and families to ensure the right conditions for every child to achieve their full potential. This occurs through full

    Student Diversity. As your students enter the classroom, they bring with them a unique background, set of skills, and educational needs. No two students learn the same because of these traits. 5.2. Supporting Learners with Diverse Needs¶. Almost one fifth of the world’s population has some kind of disability. Online courses can reduce many barriers to education for these learners by providing access to courses from any location, at any time, and through the use of assistive technologies.

    Assessment for the Diverse Classroom . What Is “Assessment”? Many people think that assessment is limited to the paper and pencil tests given in class to see if students have learned the content. Assessment is far more than pencil and paper tests. You are using a form of assessment Information Brief Addressing Trends and Developments in Secondary Education and Transition. February 2004 • Vol. 3, Issue 1. Addressing the Needs of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students With Disabilities in Postsecondary Education. By David Leake and Margarita Cholymay. Introduction . Persons with disabilities usually must overcome a variety of challenges not faced by their peers

    Documentation of diverse needs of students

    5.2. Supporting Learners with Diverse Needs¶. Almost one fifth of the world’s population has some kind of disability. Online courses can reduce many barriers to education for these learners by providing access to courses from any location, at any time, and through the use of assistive technologies. Diverse Student Needs Every student is unique. One of the greatest strengths of education in B.C. is the widespread commitment to making sure all students’ individual needs are met so that they can pursue their interests and reach their fullest potential.